Flies and mosquitoes will flee from your house with this easy homemade recipe

Flies and mosquitoes will flee from your house with this easy homemade recipe
-What You Need:
Used coffee grounds
Aluminum foil or an old metal container
A lighter or matches
-Step-by-Step Guide:
1.Prepare the Coffee Grounds:
After brewing coffee, let the grounds dry completely by spreading them out on aluminum foil or a baking sheet.
2.Set Up Your Burn Station:
Choose a safe outdoor area like a patio. Ensure it’s clear of flammable materials.

  1. Place Grounds in a Container:
    Transfer the dried coffee grounds to a fireproof metal container or shape a bowl with aluminum foil.
    4.Burn the Coffee Grounds:
    Use a match or lighter to ignite the coffee grounds. They will smolder slowly, releasing smoke that repels flies and mosquitoes.
    5.Monitor the Burn:
    Keep watch to ensure the burning grounds remain safe and controlled. The smoky aroma spreads naturally.

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