NEVER THROW Away THE AVOCADO SEED and PEELS. SAVE YOUR MONEY From buying the oil! Diy avocado oil

NEVER THROW Away THE AVOCADO SEED and PEELS SAVE YOUR MONEY From buying the oil! Diy avocado oil
-Steps to Extract Avocado Oil:
1.Collect Seeds and Peels: Save the peels and seeds when you use avocados. Freeze them until you have enough.
2.Dry Them Out: Spread the seeds and peels on a baking sheet and dry them in a low-temperature oven or in a sunny spot until dehydrated.
3.Grind the Ingredients: Use a food processor or high-powered blender to grind the dried seeds and peels
hours to separate the oil. Once cooled, strain the mixture through a cheesecloth or fine mesh.

  1. Store the Oil: Pour the strained oil into a clean, dry bottle or jar. Store it in a cool, dark place.

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