With warmer days ahead, I swear by these 9 plants to keep spiders, ants, flies, and mosquitoes away from home

With warmer days ahead, I swear by these 9 plants to keep spiders, ants, flies, and mosquitoes away from home
The bright, lively marigold can help deter mosquitoes and aphids. Plant marigolds in your garden beds or place pots near entrances to create a natural deterrent along with adding a pop of color.

  1. Rosemary
    Rosemary is a multipurpose plant, not only useful in cooking but also as a mosquito repellent. Plant rosemary close to seating areas or in kitchen gardens to keep these biting insects away while having fresh sprigs for your recipes.
  2. Lemongrass
    Lemongrass contains citronella, a natural oil that repels mosquitoes. This plant can be grown in pots around the patio or in garden beds to create a protective barrier against these pests.
  3. Catnip
    Catnip is known for driving cats wild but it also repels mosquitoes more effectively than some commercial sprays. However, remember it can attract cats to your garden! Plant catnip in less trafficked areas to balance its benefits and potential drawbacks.
  4. Sage
    Sage can be useful not just in your kitchen but also in your garden to deter flies and mosquitoes. Burn a few leaves in your firepit or barbecue to release its natural oils and create a bug-free zone.
  5. Chrysanthemum
    Chrysanthemums, commonly referred to as mums, contain pyrethrin, an ingredient found in many natural insect repellents. These flowers are effective against ants, ticks, fleas, and even roaches. Plant them around the house or use them as cut flowers inside to benefit from their repellent properties.
    By strategically placing these nine plants around your home and garden, you can significantly reduce the number of unwanted pests without resorting to chemicals. Enjoy the warmer days in comfort while benefiting from the beauty and utility these plants have to offer.

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